NOTE: This is a sponsored post, but all thoughts and opinions are my own. Read my disclosures on affiliate links and wellness for more info.
Recently I partnered with SkinCeuticals to test out their Custom D.O.S.E. service at an event with Skincare Physicians in Chestnut Hill, MA. What you probably don’t know about me is that I have struggled for years to find a skincare routine that works for me. I have purchased top of the line products off the shelf, but after only a couple of weeks I find that my skin is either too oily, or too dry, or completely broken out with acne. I had just about given up on finding a skincare routine that would work for me. Enter SkinCeuticals and the start of my journey to taking proper care of my skin.
What is SkinCeuticals Custom D.O.S.E Serum?
At SkinCeuticals, they believe that there is no “one size fits all” approach when it comes to your skin. Everyone’s skin is unique in different stages of their lifetime. So instead of prescribing clients the same products, SkinCeuticals created Custom D.O.S.E. In this approach, a skincare professional walks you through a series of questions to gain knowledge about your skin. Through answering specific questions, they are able to determine a completely custom serum for your skin right in front of you! And the best part is, it only takes a few minutes to make.
How Long Does Each Serum Last?
Each serum lasts around 3 months. Many factors can play into this – not only does your skin change overtime, the weather can play a significant role on our skin’s condition. With this serum, it is recommended that you get “d.o.s.e’d” every 3 months to guarantee the ingredients are formulated correctly for your skin.
Where Can You Find A Custom D.O.S.E.?
I recommend following this link to find the closest clinic that offers SkinCeuticals Custom D.O.S.E.
My Results
So far so good! I am happy to report that I have been using the serum daily for over 2 weeks and so far I have noticed a positive change in my skin. My face feels soft and vibrant and most importantly NO BREAKOUTS! I definitely plan to keep using this serum.