The presence of the coronavirus has changed travel dramatically in 2020. Many have chosen to vacation close to home this year so as to avoid getting on a plane. But for those who have chosen to vacation in a far away destination or who have to fly for work or personal reasons, there are a few things that you can do to ensure that you stay healthy and fly safely during Covid.

Fly Safely During Covid Tips
1. Park at the Airport
Depending on how long you choose to travel for, consider driving yourself to and parking either at the airport or one of the airport hotels. This can be beneficial for two reasons. First, in many areas cabs and ride share apps such as Uber and Lyft are scarce. Because of this, wait times for a ride have increased significantly. Pre-covid, I could request an Uber to my downtown city apartment and have it be at my door in 5 minutes or less. Now it can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes. Relying on one of these apps to take you to the airport could take a while, potentially causing you to be late to your flight if you don’t plan ahead.
The second reason to look into parking at the airport is it reduces the risk of you infecting others with the virus, should you have it. There is no way to get around the fact that when you fly you share air with others on the plane. Should one of the other passengers have the virus, you put your taxi or Uber driver at risk when you have them pick you up.
Save yourself time and minimize the amount of people you come in contact with by driving yourself to and from the airport. On my most recent trip to Aruba, I used a site called to find nearby hotels to park at. 2 nights at a hotel near Boston’s Logan Airport cost me only $31- much less than the price of an Uber one way! The hotel also offered a free shuttle to and from my terminal that ran every 30 minutes. All I had to do was call the number they gave me when my flight landed and they sent someone to pick me up.
2. Get Tested Before You Fly
Before you put others at risk, take the time to get a Covid test. Many places will require it or enforce a 14-day quarantine. But knowing that you test negative before you fly can put your mind at ease that you are not infecting others during your journey.
For tips on how to get tested in the US, check out this post here.
3. Wear a Mask
If you are going to fly in 2020, I highly recommend wearing a mask. In fact, airlines now require it. While many masks will work, if you are going to be in an enclosed space with recycled air, it may be beneficial to invest in a heavy duty mask. I highly recommend investing in the ones I have listed below to give yourself an extra bit of protection, particularly if you or someone you love is at high risk.
For those who are not convinced that a face mask is enough, the next step would be to invest in a face shield and some coveralls. Now to be clear, I am not saying that either of these are necessary. However, if it would make you feel more comfortable during your flight you can check out these links below.
4. Bring Wipes
Even though the airline staff does a great job of disinfesting the plane, it doesn’t hurt to bring your own wipes. When you get to your seat, take a moment to wipe down your seat cushions and your tray table.
5. Choose an Airline with a Vacant Middle Seat
At the time of this publication, there are still many airlines that will not book passengers in the middle seat. Before booking your tickets, do a little research to make sure that you will not be sitting close to anyone during your flight.
Did you find this post on how to fly safely during Covid helpful? Then check out our other travel tips here.